According to Wikipedia: “ Interpretation or interpreting is oral translation of speech or sign from a language into another. To interpret means to convert a thought or expression in a source language into an expression with a comparable meaning in a target language either simultaneously in "real time" or consecutively when the speaker pauses after completing one or two sentences.
The interpreter's objective is to convey every semantic element as well as tone and register and every intention and feeling of the message that the source-language speaker is directing to target-language recipients (except in summary interpretation, used sometimes in conferences)
The significance of a qualified interpreter and a competent interpretation, including their image-making role, can hardly be overestimated in the course of inter-cultural communications.
Our company has accumulated a vast experience providing interpretation support at various international events, starting from high-level negotiations conducted by chief executives of national and international ministries, agencies and companies, including the IAEA ASSET, OSART and other missions, WANO Peer Reviews and surveys of International Nuclear Insurance Pool that took place at practically all Russian NPPs ,and many foreign plants; simultaneous or “face-to-face” interpretation at numerous conferences and symposia and ending with the negotiations of technical experts in the framework of the of NPP lifetime extension or decommissioning projects in Russia and abroad, as well as during the installation, alignment and commissioning of foreign origin equipment at Russian nuclear power plants.
Some photographs of these events are provided below.

Installation of current transformers at Kursk NPP

Our interpreters at the NPP site

Training fire-fighting with involvement of our interpreters - 1

Training fire-fighting with involvement of our interpreters - 2

Simulator software testing at Kalinin NPP

Equipment commissioning at Kola NPP

Meeting on the project of comprehensive survey and residual lifetime assessment of Kosloduy NPP units 5 and 6 in Bulgaria

Installation of current transformers at Kursk NPP 2

Commissioning of Russian equipment at Tianvan NPP (China)

Our interpreters at the NPP site 2

Emergency preparedness exercise at Leningrad NPP

IAEA experts and team of our interpreters during OSART mission at Balakovo NPP

Emergency preparedness exercise at Leningrad NPP

Emergency preparedness exercise at Kola NPP

WANO Peer Review at Novovoronezh NPP

Emergency drills at REA Crisis Center

Inspection of Bushehr NPP in Iran (1)

WANO Peer Review at Smolensk NPP

Opening of the Nuclear Technology Information Center in Bolivia

Opening of the Nuclear Technology Information Center in Bangladesh

Installation of valves at Balakovo NPP

Inspection of Bushehr NPP in Iran (3)

Inspection of Bushehr NPP in Iran (2)

Project management team of Kozloduy lifetime extension project at work (2014)

Visit of REA top management to China in 2013

WANO General Assembly in 2011

Visit of the delegation of the Check Republic municipalities to Leningrad NPP

Visit of the delegation of the Ministry of energy of Vietnam to Leningrad NPP

Visit of the delegation of the Ministry of energy of the Republic of South Africa to Leningrad NPP

Visit of the delegation of the Ministry of energy of Egypt to Podolsk

Visit of IAEA team to the Nuclear power industry information center in Krasnoyarsk

Signature of the contract for comprehensive survey and residual lifetime assessment of Kosloduy NPP units 5 and 6 in Bulgaria